Project Description
Curo Group
Advice and support for disabled tenants on equipment and adaptations.
Curo Group came into formation in July 2012 and is an amalgamation of several housing associations that ERGO OTS has been working with across the south west.
Ergo OTS Ltd is freqnently asked to provide a one-off assessment but in some cases we also provide on-going support for tenants whose homes require major modifications.
Sometimes after an assessment we don’t recommend adapting a property after all but rather recommend bathing aids, rails or other equipment. These can often be provided quickly and free of charge on referral to the local Adult Community Care services. We have a good working relationship with many local services.
Where adaptations have been recommended the clinical specifications are drawn up by Ergo OTS and in liaison with housing officers, surveyors and contractors implemented quickly and efficiently to the benefit and added peace of mind of the tenant(s) and their families.
To date these include:
- Improving access and door entry systems
- Through floor lift and stairlifts
- Level access showers
- Hand rails and banister rails
- Kitchen modifications
- Referrals for other equipment provided free of charge by Adult Community Care eg chair raising units
- Replacing inappropriate equipment and adaptations with more suitable solutions
In some circumstances equipment and / or adaptations will not suffice for a tenant’s needs, in which case a Housing Needs Report is completed by Ergo OTS so housing officers can assist the tenant(s) to choose a more suitable home that meets their long-term needs. See Curo’s Moving Home page for more information on transfers, mutual exchanges, Choice Based Letting Schemes and buying a Curo home.
Ergo OTS is committed to working with Housing Associations to find cost effective and efficient ways of managing their obligations to disabled tenants. This has included assistance with accessing Disabled Facilities Grant funding for the more expensive adaptations. ERGO OTS is an active member of HAFFOT, the Housing Association Forum for Occupational Therapists.
Read a testimonial from Brenda a Curo Group support worker
Click here for information about Curo’s committment to home adaptations for its tenants